Keep Your Loved Ones Safe–With A Medical Alert System


According to the CDC, a reported 36 million elderly fall annually resulting in more than 32,000 deaths; 3 million are treated in the emergency room after a fall; 95% of all hip fractures are a result of a fall, typically falling sideways with women making up 75% of those hip fractures.

As a physical therapist, I’ve treated patients who fell and remained on the floor for days until a neighbor arrived.  How do you ensure that your loved ones are able to get help in case this happens?  A medical alert system is the answer.

Medical alert systems have been around for decades. A button worn around the neck which allowed the wearer to press it in case of a fall.  This was connected to a dedicated landline and when the button was pressed, an operator responded and sent help.  However, these early systems were only helpful if the fall took place inside the home.

These days, the alert systems are much more sophisticated, thanks to GPS.  A fall can be detected immediately with a response occurring within seconds whether in the home or outside.

Listed below are the top 10 medical alert systems.  They each have multiple options to fit your needs.

  1. Medical Guardian: Best medical alert system overall
  2. Bay Alarm Medical: Best reviews
  3. MobileHelp: Best mobile medical alert system
  4. Lifefone: Best value
  5. Medical Care Alert: Best monitoring center
  6. Aloe Care: Best remote caregiving
  7. QMedic: Best for high risk patients
  8. GetSafe: Best voice-activated system
  9. Lively: Fastest call response times
  10. Philips Lifeline: Most trusted brand

Have a conversation with your loved one today and gently suggest that a medical alert system is a necessary, for your peace of mind and theirs.

#Keeplovedonessafe #Incaseoffall #Fall #Hipfractures #Emergencyroom #MedicalAlertSystems

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